Monday, June 28, 2010

- present [thoughts interrupted by thunder]

hardly progressive storms
long enough for a day. it'll
you a headache as collateral
for the bright noons you laid to waste.

one after another,
of suggestive archetypes. my
seduction of you people
is neither civil nor twisted nor right.

sudden dashboards pass porches,
feet propped in implicative status;
their forward glances careless,
my placement insisting syringes.

at least it's not a quip,
for my part.
it was hit for hit; one year
ago was "a start."

sudden dashboards pass blindly,
my feet propped on porch's railing;
it couldn't be agonizing for me,
my situation corrected for benefit.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

everybody's writing about whiskey

burning and red,
this whiskey's
still sweeter than you.

you climb into bed,
this whiskey
would die for me too.

that thing you said,
this whiskey's
my penance in a suit.

choked up and red,
this whiskey's
still much nicer than you.


i've been spending my time with bourbon and it inspired me enough to excuse my consumption.