Wednesday, June 17, 2009

C.G. Jung Parts I & II

Part I

I theorize about the sequence
of our days together, and
the decreasing probability of
those days continuing consecutively.

each day's connectivity
to the next
is a mindfuck ubiquitous
in each aspect of my routine.

Speak your will
in regards
to the direction you wish to take.

Part II

One chance in a number
fifteen sobering digits in length.
One quarter of the world's
circumferance in distance apart.
One young man.
One scientist.

One feeling middle-class male
the possibility
of synchronicity.
He argues for his sanity.
He argues for his stability.
In the name of all things comprehendable,
he argues.

Even when his
existence defines discomfort,
he argues.

Twenty-five playing cards.
Five square shapes on five cards,
five circle shapes on another,

One quasi-normal middle class male.
One misunderstanding scientist.
Twenty-five soulless playing cards.

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